Six PG Projects had been selected for grant by TNSCST and TNSCHE.
Two PTA meeting has conducted every academic year and receive the grievances from the parents.
The problems are resolved through the PTA Meeting
Every year we celebrate PONGAL festival.
The department celebrates National Science Day every year.
Physics Association is initiated during odd semester of every academic year.
Our Association has conducted Workshop, Seminar, Conference, Quiz Program, Essay composition and Elocution
S. No | Name | Qualification | Designation |
1 | Dr.S.JAYASEELAN, | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., | Assistant Professor & Head |
2 | K. MANIMEGALA | M.Sc., M.Phil., . | Guest Lecturer |
3 | V. VINOTHINI | M.Sc., M.Phil., SET., | Guest Lecturer |